Exam preparation at your fingertips

prepCIE is an innovative approach to testing your knowledge against the Cambridge curriculum for O levels.

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

A passion for learning

Our approach is based on simplicity in learning objectives and ease of access

Subjects & Topics

Each subject added is broken down into Topics as per the latest Cambridge syllabus.

Continuous Updates

New questions are added to Topics every day helping to maintain a healthy challenge for you.

App Access

Our app is available for both Android and Apple ecosystems so your can easily access it.


At the moment, the app is free to use with all available features. Basic access will always remain free.

Premium Experience

For advanced learners, we are working on adding premium features such as subtopics, timed quizzes etc.

Future Expansions

Currently we offer five subjects with plans of adding another 3 within the current year.

How to play

The objective of prepCIE is to help you test your knowledge across the CIE syllabus with an easy to use and game-play like interface.

Topic Mode

  • Select a subject to see a list of Topics
  • Select your desired topic
  • You can anwer endless quizzes on that Topic
  • For tough questions, you an option to skip
Tourist taking photo of a building
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

Exam Prep

  • Select a subject
  • Select 5 or 10 quiz challenge
  • The quiz will include questions from across the whole syllabus for the selected subject.

“Preparation without insight is a fruitless endeavor.”

Bilal Rafi

CEO, Artesia Studios

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